Pleading Your Case by Rev. Funke Ewuosho
[Excerpt taken from the message]
Base Text: “Present your case,” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says the King of Jacob.’’ Isaiah 41:21(NKJV)
In this chapter God says, present your case. There might be doubts about whether we can plead with God, but the truth is, we are granted permission to do so. In fact, God Himself affirms this truth.
The book of Isaiah, chapter 43:26(NKJV), says “Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted.” God urges us to put Him in remembrance and engage in a dialogue. Although some may ask the question whether God forgets, the truth is that God never forgets. However, He instructs us to remind Him of His promises. While the original context may involve negative circumstances, let’s focus on the underlying principles. It is essential to grasp that God challenges us to bring our concerns before Him, emphasising the importance of communication and seeking His deliverance.
How to plead your case with God
The purpose of presenting the following examples is to illustrate the precedents found in the Bible, which can assist you in pleading your own case with God. Observe the pattern and precedent in these examples, for God does not show favouritism.
In Genesis 18:20-26, we encounter a passage concerning Abraham. The Lord declared that the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was significant, and their sin was exceedingly grave. In verse 21, God expressed His intention to investigate the allegations against Sodom and Gomorrah and determine if they were indeed as severe as the outcry suggested. He stated, “I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to me. And if not, I will know.” In verse 22, the men turned their attention towards Sodom, while Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Can someone acknowledge that Abraham stood before the Lord? One important aspect to learn about pleading your case with God is that you have right-standing before Him. The Bible instructs us to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy. Abraham stood before the Lord with righteousness, without any sense of shame, guilt, or inferiority. Praise the Lord, for God has granted you a right standing with Him! Abraham approached and asked, “Would you also destroy the righteous with the wicked?” In verse 24, he presented his case, suggesting that if there were fifty righteous individuals in the city, God should spare it. He continued to advocate, saying, “Far be it from you to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked. Far be it from you!” Take note of his words. He questioned, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” In response, the Lord assured Abraham that if fifty righteous people were found in Sodom, He would spare the entire place for their sake, due to Abraham’s intercession. Abraham emphasised the righteousness of the Judge of all the earth and questioned whether He would destroy the wicked alongside the righteous.
Now, let’s consider the account of David and the census he conducted, which displeased God, as described in 2 Samuel 24:15-17. You may already be familiar with this story. God’s displeasure stemmed from David’s census-taking. The Lord sent a plague upon Israel from the morning until the appointed time, covering the region from Dan to Beersheba. God had given David three options through the prophet, and David chose to fall into the hands of God because of His mercy. As a result, the angel of destruction began its work. The plague caused the death of 70,000 men across the land, from Dan to Beersheba. However, when the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord relented from further destruction. In the Book of Joel, it is written, “Let the ministers weep, let the people cry out. Perhaps God will relent.” Remember when God instructed Jonah to go to Nineveh and declare its impending destruction? The king of Nineveh humbled himself, came down from his throne, and sought God’s mercy. And what happened? God relented. You see, you have the knowledge of how to plead your case with God. Even when God declares a judgment, there is room for His mercy and compassion.
David demonstrated this when he pleaded with God during this particular incident. When the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord relented from further destruction. The Lord spoke to the angel who was carrying out the destruction, and some may ask, “Does God relent? Is He a merciful God?” The answer is yes, He does relent. He is a merciful God.
Some may think, “Well, if God has declared that I will suffer for three days, I should just accept it.” But no, you see, just like Eli, when he received a message from God, he said, “He is the Lord. Let Him do as He pleases,” instead of pleading for God’s mercy. But let me tell you something: where I come from, if you know how to beg, you wont be on your knees too long. If you know how to say, “I’m sorry,” sincerely and genuinely, not just a simple “sorry,” and if you further express, “I apologise. I regret my actions. What can I do to make it right?” you will realise that the full course of the consequence doesn’t have to play out. If you know how to apologize and plead your case, God will relent, and the devil’s mouth will be shut. You can remind him, “Didn’t God say this? Didn’t God declare that?” And God will respond to the devil, “Hey, are you deaf? Didn’t you hear? My child has repented.”
How to plead your case against the devil
And when it comes to pleading your case, where Satan is concerned, The Bible explicitly states that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He assumes the role of accusing the brethren. Frequently, he accuses individuals without their awareness of what he holds against them. One significant aspect that Satan consistently exploits is people’s sins. In a way, Satan acts as a bad bailiff—although not a reliable one. Some of you may not be familiar with the role of bailiffs. Bailiffs act based on court judgments. When the judge pronounces a ruling, such as instructing you to forfeit your assets due to outstanding debts, bailiffs enforce it accordingly.
There are numerous accusations that the enemy holds against people. You may be unaware of what the enemy is utilising against you. Thankfully, we have the blood of Jesus. You can pray and declare, “Whatever you are using against me, I don’t know, but I command the blood of Jesus against it.” Why is the blood so effective? It’s because through the blood, you obtain forgiveness of sins and redemption. In case you need to swiftly confront the devil, simply declare, “Satan, I apply the blood of justice against you.” According to 1 John 1:9, the Bible says that “if you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive you”. Pay attention to the word “just.” Do you want to know why the Bible says that God is faithful and just? It pertains to the role of justice in God’s forgiveness of your sins. He has placed your sins upon Jesus, so it would be unjust on His part, having transferred your sins to Jesus, to make you bear the punishment for them.
Please contact us on office to purchase your copy of this powerful series, “Pleading Your Case.”