Goal Setting by Rev. Funke Ewuosho
[Message taken from the 2023 Cross over Service]
First of all, I want you to write down the things that you are looking forward to. They can be things God spoke to you. It does not have to be that God appeared to you or that you heard a voice. If you did, that is nice but remember that anything you heard, must corroborate with the Word.
The Bible talks about things that our eyes havenot seen, that our ears have not heard, the things that God has in store for us. Write down those things: for example “I want to be financially independent or debt free”, “I want to have a healthier body” things that have to do with your purpose.
Habakkuk 2:2 “Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it”.
We must set specific goals to accomplish those things which are ahead of us, or else they will remain in the realm of intentions, wishes, desires and aspirations.
From spiritual to whatever else, identify them, then set goals that are focused on what you need to do to accomplish them.
There is also a need to develop an action plan to motivate and guide you towards your goal. Like the saying, ‘’if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’’. How do you intend to get those things done? what is the path you plan to take to where you are going?
I wrote these steps in my article in the latest Wisdom Digest Magazine on “Reaching Forward To the Things That Are Ahead of Us.” Please use this link to access this article: https://www.harvestimechurch.net/blog/reaching-forward-to-the-things-which-are-ahead-part-1/