WISDOM 365 is here!
To be the best or get the best out of any subject in life, we need to understand that there are usually different aspects to the subject matter. We all know we need to read our bibles and pray everyday if we want to grow to become all that God wants us to become. After getting born again through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, in line with Romans chapter 10, we need to deepen our relationship with God by His Word and by His Spirit. This is one reason to read the bible and pray daily.
Devotional reading and praying should happen daily. To get a good understanding of the bible, there are various aspects to the grasping of the content of the bible. These include devotional reading, studying and the general reading of the bible; the same way prayer has different aspects like intercession, supplication as well as giving of thanks, to name a few aspects of prayer.
This book on devotional reading, helps you to draw closer to God as you internalise the principles, instructions and admonitions from God’s Word. You will not only draw closer to Him but your internal conditioning will be affected too. You will learn to maintain your joy in whatever situation you face; your attitude will move from complaining to being grateful – just to mention a few benefits from cultivating a habit of devotional reading of the bible and praying. Growing up into the fullness of Christ is a lengthy process and it involves daily devotion, as we start our day with prayer and reading the scriptures and fellowship with the Lord by His Spirit who lives in us. Welcome to the process of enjoying your walk with God and growing up into Christ, enjoying the fullness of His grace and experiencing victory in many areas of your life. Enjoy God, your Heavenly Father.
Rev. Kola Ewuosho
“Read your Bible, pray everyday, if you want to grow”; was the instructional song we sang regularly back in the old ‘CU’ (Christian Union) days. You never left your room, without having your morning devotion! However, over the years, the discipline and habit of ‘morning devotion’ became lost on many believers. This is attributable to a number of factors, and just to mention a few- a, some believers began to find it boring and irrelevant, because it became a mere religious exercise that had lost its meaning and power; b, life became more fast-paced and a lot of believers became caught up in the rat-race, making morning devotion of less priority. The Bible says the love of the world chokes the love of the Father in us (1 John 2:15); and c, Believers have become less communal and accountable in their lifestyle; and have become more independent and individualistic. For instance, back in the day; you would be asked about what you read in your morning devotion or (and) what God said to you! I remember the song, “God has something to say (to you); listen, listen, pay close attention, for God has something to say.”
However, I believe it’s time believers returned to the habit of having morning devotion time; for its various benefits, to mention a few: a, it grows you spiritually; b, it enhances your walk with God; c, it widens and deepens your knowledge of the scriptures (you would agree with me that the majority of ‘modern’ Christians have a very limited knowledge of the Bible!); d, it gives you the wisdom needed for daily living, and; e, it helps you develop a disciplined lifestyle.
We hope this all-year round Morning Devotional Book will encourage and aid you in achieving this goal. No one could ever and should never grow out of the simple, old, established and proven discipline of Morning Devotion.
A warm welcome to WISDOM 365!
Rev. Funke Ewuosho